Bath Beauty

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bath Beauty - Bath cookies!

Bath Beauty - Bath Cookies?
- Tip - These are non-edible, they are cookies for your BATH!

2 cups finely ground sea salt
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup cornstarch
2 tbs. light oil
1 tsp. vitamin E oil
2 eggs
5-6 drops essential oil

Preheat oven to 350 F.
Mix together all the ingredients.
Take a teaspoon of the dough and roll it gently into a ball about 1" in diameter.
Continue doing this with all the dough and place the balls on an ungreased cookie sheet.
-Tip - You can decorate the cookies with clove buds, anise seeds, or dried citurs peel if you wish.
Bake the cookies for 10 minutes, or until they are lightly browned.
-Tip - Do not overbake! So keep an eye on those cookies!
Allow the cookies to cool completely.

To use, drop 1 or 2 cookies into a warm bath and allow to dissolve. Do not eat!
Yield: 24 cookies, enough for 12+ baths.

Baths love cookies as much as we do, so don't forget to treat you Bath to some every once and while. It's also very relaxing, and as with anything that I will mention on this blog feel free to make as many as you need, then show you friends and sell them the rest!

Thanks for Reading!

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