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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bath Beauty - Champagne Bubble Bath

Bath Beauty - Champagne Bubble Bath

- Tip - Everyone loves bubble baths, why not make it a little extra special by making it a champagne bubble bath?

1/4 C foaming concentrate
3/4 C distilled water
1/2 tsp. table salt(not sea salt)
1 TBSP. glycerin
1/4 tsp. Champagne or white wine fragrance oil

Buy a split of champagne- drink it or toss it but keep the bottle.
Heat water(not boiling just hot)
Stir in concentrate and glycerin until completely dissolved.
Add fragrance oil and stir well.
Add salt stirring until dissolved.
Allow mixture to cool.

- Tip - If it is not as thick as you would like add another 1/4 tsp. salt stirring until

Pour into a clean champagne split and seal bottle.
Using a pink or white paint pen create labels for the front and back on gold stickers.
With a square of candy foil cover the cork while twisting at the neck

It may not be spectacular but it is quite nice and definitely spices up the night. Besides who wouldn't like a "champagne" bubble bath?

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