Bath Beauty

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bath Beauty - Apple Tart Soap

Bath Beauty Recipe - Apple Tart Soap!

OK its time to make our own soap. There are lots of different soaps and today I am going to give you the home recipe for making your own apple tart soap! Don't worry I will get around to posting other "flavors" as well in case apple tart isn't exactly the type of soap you want. Here we go!

Apple Tart Soap

4oz. Clear, Unscented Glycerin Soap
1 Tablespoon Liquid Soap
1 teaspoon Liquid Glycerin
1/2 teaspoon Apple Fragrance Oil
2 Drops Red Food Color
1/2 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon

Melt soap in small pan over low heat or in a glass cup in the microwave.
Add Liquid Soap and glycerin and stir gently but well.
Add fragrance, color and cinnamon.
Stir and let stand a couple minutes.

- Tip - Let it stand just enough to start to thicken so when you stir again the cinnamon will be more evenly distributed.

Pour into molds.
Allow to set completely (in or out of freezer).
Wrap in plastic wrap or use cellophane candy bags.

That's it your done! Couldn't be simpler. You always think it might take more than this to make soap but it sure doesn't! And remember if you make a lot you can always sell some to your friends and neighbors!

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