Bath Beauty

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Monday, April 9, 2007

Bath Beauty - Oatmeal Mask

Bath Beauty - Oatmeal Mask
Ah yes our love of oatmeal continues. Here we have our oatmeal mask, it has all the benefits of an oatmeal bath but for your face! How delightful.

1 Cup Pink Clay
2 Tablespoons of Oat Flour (ground oatmeal)
1 Tablespoon Chamomile Flowers, ground
1 teaspoon finely ground Rose Hip Seeds

Mix all ingredients together
Store in an airtight container.
To use take about 1-2 Tbsp of the mask
Add enough distilled water to get a paste consistency
- Tip - You can add additional mask ingredients for varying effects! Here is an example
Use Pure lemon juice diluted in water (restores skins natural acid mantle)
1 tsp honey (for moisturizing)
Add a couple drops of Tea Tree oil ( for antibacterial)

You Should experiment with different types (please use caution, if you are allergic to something don't put it on your face or in your mask, that's just silly). You can always mix everything together, with your added special ingredients. And sell them! Your friends will never know how you get that amazing skin, but now they can too with your home made oatmeal mask!

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